Today, we released a few minor enhancements to Ready Room.
Interview Request Flag
It's now possible to flag a request as an in-person interview with the inspector. Simply click the "Interview Requested" checkbox underneath the assignee's name. At this point, the only change you'll notice is that the assignee's icon changes from "person walking" to "person walking through a door." In the future we hope to add scheduling functionality. In the meantime, you may consider creating a video briefing among the assignee, the inspector, and any other interested parties.
Sort by Status in the Table View
You can now sort by the "Status" column in the table view of an inspection. Note that this does not sort by the status name but by the order of the status column, from "Assign" to "Inspector Review." Also note that requests are further sorted by their vertical position in the respective column.
Distinguish View from Download in Audit Logs
We have always audited when an inspector downloads or views a file, however, we used the same audit text for both; "Inspector Lestrade downloaded file: 'abc.pdf'." As of this release, Ready Room will audit viewing a file as, "Inspector Lestrade viewed file: 'abc.pdf'."
Hover Help
We have adjusted the tooltips displayed when hovering over the buttons on the upper right hand side of the inspection screen to display when the mouse pointer is over any part of the button, instead of over just the icon.