
Ready Room is being continuously improved
We are continuously improving Ready Room, based largely on feedback from our customers and weighed against our principles of clarity and flexibility. If you have a feature you'd like to see in Ready Room, please fill out our contact form.
We strive towards transparency, so below you will find a list of every enhancement released and every bug fixed.
Bug Fixes:
- Restricted SMEs can view scribe notes in their own tab/window.
- Remove existing Restricted SME access to scribe notes when configuration changes.
- Adds support for multiple fulfillers and reviewers on a request; one primary and any number of collaborators.
- Changes delayed task resolution from hours to minutes.
- Adds a new filter to show delayed, late, or on time requests.
- Enable restricted SMEs to see scribe notes.
- Allow team members to view scribe notes in place (instead of in a separate window).
Bug Fixes:
- Remove download ability from the Adobe and Microsoft viewers when inspector downloads are disabled.
- Remove Grammarly support as Grammarly has discontinued support.
Bug Fixes:
- The label selector was not scrolling properly.
- Use Excel-friendly dates when exporting to CSV.
- Reduce memory consumption.
Bug Fixes:
- Fix swapped column names in inspection to CSV.
- Don't update the "released at" timestamp when vertically moving released requests.
Bug Fixes:
- Fix filtering storyboards by assignee.
- Increase performance of storyboard index screen.
- Minor UI enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- South American time zones were being filtered from time zone list.
- Fix copying task when only one actor.
- When copying requests, only copy labels and actors that are available to the target inspection.
- Show actual date next to relative date in comments
- Copy requests across boards and inspections. Selectively include attachements, assignees, and labels.
- Staged requests now get IDs that are independent of Active requests.
- Enhance request creation from storyboards.
- Allow labels to be applied to only to storyboards, requests, or both.
- Filter requests by creation time.
- Improve performance of storyboard rendering.
Bug Fixes:
- Send email to secondary storyboard contributors even if there's no primary.
Bug Fixes:
- Correctly handle large storyboard comments.
- Remove upload progress bars when upload completes.
- Display in UI what files an inspector has accessed.
- Single sign-on self-service.
- Preview storyboard templated before importing.
- Allow storyboard and scribe note side panels to be collapsed.
- Support @members in chat to send notifications to every member of the chat.
- Allow commenting on storyboards.
Bug Fixes:
- Narrow scope of file rename validation from inspection to request.
- TMF Locator service, which interacts with OpenAI, is now optional and defaults to off.
- Introduces a multi-step workflow for storyboard development.
- Allows primary and secondary users to be assigned to each stage in the workflow.
- Overhauls the storyboard UI to be inline with the inspection management UI.
- Enhances copying storyboards into inspections.
- Enhances storyboard sorting and filtering.
Bug Fixes:
- If a file was renamed and later downloaded, the downloaded file would retain its original name. Fixed.
- If the rich-text response to a request contained a link, it blocked the response from being opened again for editing. Fixed.
Bug Fixes:
- if a user was filtering requests by complete status, and that user was subsequently made a "restricted SME," then that user couldn't access the inspection until they were no longer a restricted SME.
Bug Fixes:
- New requests were assigned to slot 1 instead of slot 0. Fixed.
- Reusing a custom identifier silently refused to save. Fixed to show validation message.
- An inspector filter was labeled 'Investigator' instead of 'Inspector.' Fixed.
- Allow the collaboration tools on the right to be toggled in and out of view.
- New request appear at the top of the Assign column instead of the bottom.
- Enhance account deactivation UI (superusers only)
Bug Fixes:
- Don't render the chat message input field when a user is not a member of any chats.
- Adds an AI-powered ChatBot named Reggie to Ready Room.
- Reggie can answer questions about the regulations and guidance surrounding drug and device development.
- Disabled by default.
Bug Fixes:
- If an inspector configured with shared storage was added to a request, and the request title contained characters above U+007F, then, upon being released, the request became inaccessible. This has been corrected.
- In very rare circumstances it was possible for a file upload to complete without updating the request. Fixed.
- It was possible to move a staged request to inspector review. This is no longer allowed.
Bug Fixes:
- Previous release kept inspector view from scrolling
- Show more than 50 users on the account's user admin page
- When adding user to an inspection, skip over user's that are already members
- Adds breakout chat sessions (aka conversations)
- Users can create, edit, view, leave, and participate in named conversations
- Extends chat out to inspectors, observers, and restricted SMEs
- Displays unread message counts so team members can stay current
- Sends notifications when users are added to or removed from a conversation
Bug Fixes:
- Validating shared storage settings was a bit wonky
- Table view sort order was still active in workflow view
Bug Fixes:
- Clear text area after inviting users to an inspection
Bug Fixes:
- Fix CSV download issue caused by earlier LiveView upgrade
- Workaround Chrome bug that does not allow commas in the file name of the CSV download
Bug Fixes:
- Don't allow files to be renamed to the same name even if file name has spaces
- Upgrade liveview to prevent spurious click-away events
- Sort by Status column in the inspection table view
- Mark a request as an in-person interview request
- Distinguish between viewing and downloading a file by an inspector in the audit logs
- Display hover text when mouse over any part of a button, not just the icon
- Adds support for MS Teams, OneDrive, and Sharepoint Online as shared storage providers, to complement Box.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes spurious error if the network reconnects while editing storyboard meta data.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes issues that did not allow files to be renamed if the file name contained spaces.
- Automatically infer TMF file location from request title using OpenAI embeddings.
Bug Fixes:
- Don't lose typing if the network reconnects while adding members to an inspection.
- Adds 40 new storyboard templates for good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP)
- Adds support for Cisco Duo as a single sign-on identity provider
- Adds rapid file viewer
- Adds full sized rich text editor for Formal Response field
- Allow files to be Renamed
- Various UI enhancements
Bug Fixes:
- Fix occasional freeze after network drop
- Fix formatting for storyboard assignees if the list was long
- Fix Ctrl-Enter not adding a new line to chat
- Improved filtering of inspection boards
- Redesigned table view with sorting
- Improved sorting and filtering in the Inspector Portal
- Added filtering to inspection membership screen. Improved sorting.
- Multiple blank lines in scribe notes are now rendered as a single line
Bug Fixes:
- Analytics would fail to render if the total size of attachments was greater than 1GB
- Audit logs did not capture upload of cover sheet to Box
- Unsaved rich-text data entry could be lost if a remote user updated the same request
- Typing too fast in chat could cause the last few characters of a message not to get saved
- Taking over as scribe was not reflected properly to other viewers of the scribe note
- Make the formal response field rich text
- Show that dynamic files have been uploaded to Box
- Scroll chat message into view when clicking on notification
- Move deleted requests to a tab
- Allow download of entire audit log
- Support adding labels when creating a request
- Support full-screen mode for viewing PDFs
- Automatically annotate scribe notes when scribe changes or note deleted/recovered
- Remove delay when sending @mention emails
Bug Fixes:
- Uploading dynamic files to Box was not working properly.
- It was not possible to view a deleted task.
- Allow assigning a request to a reviewer
- Introduce editable groups of request data
- Replace Fast Action with already-opend group
- Move Box Folder setting above file upload
- Show alerts when remote user changes the request being viewed
- Significant performance improvements
- Multiple UI tweaks
Bug Fixes:
- (am)/(pm) CKEditor substitutions always generated the time at page load
- Changes to global time zone database temporarily made user profiles inaccessible
- Support Okta IdP-initiated SSO flow
- Allow semicolons as a bulk email seperator
- Better error messages for SSO users who can't login
- Add toggleable automatic scrolling for scribe note viewers.
- Add an always available crib sheet describing rapid formatting and transformations.
- Add @mention support to scribe notes to speed the typing of inspector and team member names.
- Add a new shorthand for quickly adding timestamps.
- Add Integration with Grammarly for assistance with spelling, grammar, and concision.
Bug Fixes:
- Internal IDs for requests were shown in the Inspector Portal instead of the inspection-level IDs.
- When editing an existing program an error was generated if you gave it a name already in use.
- Support adding multiple users at once to account or inspection
- Display system registration URL in the admin screen when resending an invitation
- Replace Google's viewer with viewers from Adobe and Microsoft
- Add configuration option to hide system generated IDs in the inspection portal
- Adds the concept of "Programs" to group inspections that share storyboards and labels
- Admins can create, edit, and delete programs
- Admins can move inspections to other programs
- Make "edit storyboards" its own route.
- Make all briefings "group" briefings.
Bug Fixes:
- Assigning users to storyboards did not send an email
- Restore cursor focus in scribe notes after network drop
- Increase Okta SSO logging
Bug Fixes:
- Make Okta SSO actually work
Bug Fixes:
- Fix typing speed degrading as scribe notes get larger
- Better position storyboard assignees and labels dialogs
- Fine tune AppSignal telemetry
Bug Fixes:
- Add the word "panel" back around storyboard labels
Bug Fixes:
- Clicking on a link in the notification panel did not bubble up the click event
Bug Fixes:
- Hot Fix: Filter inspector persona from user-visible lists
- Support bi-directional links among tasks
- Upgrade AppSignal to 2.1
Bug Fixes:
- Do not error when a user without filters opens a storyboard
- Make sure only one instance of Quantum runs in production
- Replace SunEditor with CKEditor
- Support @mentions in chat and comments
- Adds notification panel for @mentions and task assignments
- Add prev/next buttons to storyboards that honor filters and sort order
- Refresh the inspector's view of an inspection
- Inspector can now click to view task details
- Team members can see if an inspector has a task open
- Inspector can reject a task with an optional comment sending it back to host review
- Task cover-sheet and zip-archive "files" have been moved to the file list
- Highlight aging tasks
- Animate modal rendering
- Return user to home page after an hour of inactivity
- Better Box error messages
- Don't disable task create button when someone else creates a task
- Adds analytics and metrics for inspections
- Support exporting storyboard metadata
- Use UPN instead of email field for Azure AD users
- Add staged, complete, and labels to CSV output
- Add leading zeros to default Box folder name
Bug Fixes:
- Fix bug that allowed observers to change persona
- Add inspeciton level labels
- Search Scribe Notes
- Only notify assignee when task moved to fulfill column
- Allows storyboards to be copied to the same inspection
- Don't show resend inspection link if SSO user has already accepted
- Support Okta as an SSO IdP
- Allow admins to lock an inspection
- Allow users to see when others are modifying the same task as they are
- Removes dates from inspector view
- Adds support for Single Sign-On via Azure AD
- Adds 60 new GMP storyboard templates
- Allows sorting of stroyboards
- Allows bulk delete of storyboards
- Allows recovery of deleted storyboards
- Implement Tabbed Inspection Boards
- Adds tabbed views: Active, Staged, Mine, All to inspection
- Show only three columns in the Restricted SME view
- Enhance "mean time to release" calculation
- Add rich text support to description, notes, and comment fields
- Add HTML editor to storyboards and scribe notes
Bug Fixes:
- Fix task odering when moving tasks when view is filtered
- Alphabetize assignees
- Maintenance Release
- Upgrade to Phoenix 1.6
- Convert leex to heex
- Update authentication code
- Maintenance Release
- Upgrade to ELixir 1.12
- Remove compiler warnings
- Enhance test suite
- Box integration
- Send files, cover sheets, and zip archives to inspector's shared Box folder
- Supports multiple inspectors
- Supports file versioning
- Adds video conferencing (Briefings)
- Schedule secure briefings with team members
- Share public link with non-team members
- Email notifications with calendar support
- Multiple UI tweaks
- Better error handling
- Make inspector file download configurable
- Add time zones to users
- Persistent storyboard filters
- Relax file upload constraints
- Add dynamic cover sheets
- Archive a single request
- Sort the inspector view
- Display mean time to release
- Peristent inspection filters
- See concurrent task editors
- Auto save storyboards
- File preview
- Replace chat style scribe notes with rich text scribe notes
- Auto-saving scribe notes
- Upgrade erlang
- Upgrade swoosh
Bug Fixes:
- N+1 issue with set_persona on membership screen
- Remove unnecessary updates of remote screens when persona changes
Bug Fixes:
- Chrome doesn't like file names with commas
- Adds Restricted SME persona
- Adds "Fast Actions"
- UI enhancements
- Copy storyboards
- Track opened requests
- Notify user when task moved left
- Move ticket without closing it
- Add help document
- Adds support for rich text storyboards
- Create, edit, and delete storyboard
- Assign storyboards to multiple team members
- Rehearse storyboards using "flash cards"
- Upload supporting documentation
- Create task from storyboard
- Filter storyboards, including full text search
- View and restore deleted tasks
- Create, edite and delete labels
- Add/Remove labels on requests
- Show attachment counts per column and inspection
- Don't clear filters after altering tasks
- Adds debrief notes
- Adds Observer persona
- Audit inspector downloads
- Multiple Scribe Feeds (and thus support for multiple inspectors)
- Printable Scribe Notes
- Staged requests
- Allow admins to manage all inspections
- Visible request IDs start at 1
- Mark requests as complete
- Hide completed requests
- Initial Release!
- Inspection Management with shared drag and drop inspection board
- Create requests, assign user, add documents, QC, release to inspector
- Table view
- Inspector Portal
- Chat and scribe notes
- Account and User management
- Personas
Proven inspection management for the life Sciences industry
Biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, CMOs, CROs, and laboratories big and small are getting ready with Ready Room.